美方和中方各选派了十位学生对自己在商业领域的研究课题做了全英语讲演。k1体育登录入口官网网址k1体育娱乐平台赵红军教授、朱敏副教授、杨宝华副教授和宋玉平博士担任中方评委;美国纽约州立大学k1体育娱乐平台DONG Qiong教授与SPECTOR Chales Andraw教授担任美方评委;美国韦伯州立大学k1体育娱乐平台STEVENSON Doris教授和意大利佛罗伦萨大学国际经济系SEGRETO Luciano教授担任客座评委。
名次 | 题目 | 作者(学生) | 指导教师 |
一等奖 | For what are the 100 Chinese cities renowned for e-commerce?——Based on the analysis of 2013-2016 years data from the Ali Institute | 蔡梦敏 | 赵红军 |
二等奖 | The Impact of Monetary Policy on Corporate Debt Financing | 徐闪赏 | 李慧 |
二等奖 | The Impact of Patient Flow and Facility Attributes on CMS Star Ratings | Leah Souza | 美方教师 |
二等奖 | What Factors Lead to the Regional Differences in Development of Internet Finance in China? ——An Analysis Based on Spatial Durbin Model | 赵晓媚 | 李小平 |
三等奖 | Does There Exist An Arbitrage Opportunity in AH Stocks? | 李震巍 | 宋玉平 |
三等奖 | American Trade Deficit & China | Genesis Licil | 美方教师 |
三等奖 | The present situation and factors of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) education in Chinese university business schools | 张嘉琳 、柴晓鸽 | 刘春济 |
三等奖 | The Effects of Research and Development Capitalization | Noah Oliver | 美方教师 |
三等奖 | Does the Change in the Presentation of Investment Income Affect Accounting Conservatism? ——Based on the Panel Data Analysis of China A Share Listed Companies | 徐晓丹 | 黄虹 |